Update an existing estimate for a job in ServiceTitan when an eBid is updated in PEP Cloud
When an eBid is updated in PEP Cloud, find the associated job in ServiceTitan and then update the correlated estimate with the details from the updated eBid in PEP Cloud.
Created by Workload Team
✔️ Free to get started (no credit card required)
✔️ No time limit on free plan (300 free tasks)
Additional Resources:
"JobInfo": {
"Fax": "",
"Cell": "",
"City": "Franklin",
"Email": "test4@workload.co",
"JobId": "679318",
"JobNo": "",
"Notes": "",
"Phone": "3177368217",
"State": "IN",
"Status": "New",
"SyncId": "",
"Country": "United States",
"InitRqd": "",
"JobName": "3116733 - Residential Interior",
"JobType": "Residential Interior",
"Zipcode": "46131",
"Address1": "543 Home Street",
"Address2": "",
"ClientId": "521297",
"JobDescr": "Call customer before arrival.",
"ClientUUID": "",
"CreateDate": "2022-11-04T18:21:20.38Z",
"FinishDate": "",
"HourlyRate": "",
"DiscountMat": "0",
"DscntLbrPct": "",
"DscntMatPct": "",
"ExtAppJobId": "",
"HoursAccess": "8",
"JobAreaList": [
"M4": "",
"IsOpt": "false",
"AreaName": "Project",
"IsAChOrd": "false",
"UseTempl": "",
"JobAreaId": "3012382",
"AreaPicURL": "",
"AreaCalcType": ""
"LocalStatus": "",
"ContractDate": "",
"ProposalDate": "",
"TaxRateLabor": "0",
"UpgLvlSelect": "",
"AbstractJobId": "c13c7400-ee9b-4a2b-a099-b4550591c968",
"DiscountLabor": "0",
"HoursBillable": "8",
"WorkStartDate": "",
"CrewAssignment": "_UNASSIGNED",
"ExtraMaterials": "0",
"OverheadMarkup": "0",
"SyncDeletedUtc": "",
"UseDscntLbrPct": "",
"UseDscntMatPct": "",
"ExtAppCompanyId": "",
"RoundUpMaterial": "false",
"AbstractClientId": "",
"NewJobHourlyRate": "",
"TaxRateMaterials": "0",
"WorkStartDateStr": "",
"ProfitMarkupLabor": "0",
"UserNameOfCreator": "",
"ChangeJobHourlyRate": "",
"ChargeForLeftOverMat": "false",
"DefaultNumberOfSteps": "",
"ProfitMarkupMaterials": "0.2",
"SyncSrvLastUpdatedUtc": "2022-11-09T19:07:33.44Z",
"ExtraMaterialsIsMarkup": "",
"TaxRateMaterialsToCust": "0"
"ClientInfo": {
"Fax": "",
"Cell": "",
"City": "Franklin",
"Email": "test4@workload.co",
"Notes": "created by workload.co",
"Phone": "3174568832",
"State": "IN",
"SyncId": "",
"Country": "United States",
"IsALead": "false",
"JobList": "",
"Zipcode": "46131",
"Address1": "543 Main Street",
"Address2": "",
"ClientId": "521297",
"GoogleId": "",
"LastName": "Deisel",
"CompanyId": "15419",
"FirstName": "Bobby",
"SMSOptOut": "",
"CreateDate": "2022-08-31T19:25:12.34Z",
"CrtsyTitle": "",
"GoogleETag": "",
"LeadSource": "",
"CompanyName": "BD Inc.",
"EmailOptOut": "",
"GQProfileId": "",
"LastUpdated": "2022-09-01T20:11:44.533Z",
"QBExprtDate": "",
"ColorDotColor": "orange",
"CompanyUserId": "",
"GoogleUpdated": "",
"ExtAppClientId": "",
"LeadSourceType": "",
"SyncDeletedUtc": "",
"EmailOptOutDate": "",
"ExtAppCompanyId": "",
"AbstractClientId": "339bfb79-7c4c-4a59-94c9-58e93ece12c4",
"DoNotSndToRfrlia": "",
"SMSOptOutDateUtc": "",
"SyncSrvLastUpdatedUtc": "2022-09-01T20:11:44.533Z"
"ReasonLost": "",
"JobCostInfo": {
"JobId": "679318",
"Labor": {
"wcTaxLabor": "0",
"wcLaborTotal": "1344.08",
"wcLaborProfit": "0",
"overheadMarkup": "0",
"wcLaborWithTax": "1344.08",
"wcDiscountLabor": "0",
"wcLaborOverhead": "0",
"profitMarkupLabor": "0",
"wcLaborAfterDiscount": "1344.08",
"wcLaborWithoutProfit": "1344.08",
"wcTotalLaborOverride": "0",
"wcTotalLaborFixedRateItems": "0",
"wcLaborWithoutProfitOrOverhead": "1344.08",
"laborProfitPercentAfterDiscount": "0"
"JobType": "Residential Interior",
"Material": {
"wcDiscountMat": "0",
"wcMaterialTax": "0",
"wcMaterialWithTax": "0",
"wcMaterialsProfit": "0",
"wcMatAfterDiscount": "0",
"wcTotalMaterialPrice": "0",
"profitMarkupMaterials": "0.2",
"wcTotalMaterialOverride": "0",
"wcMaterialsWithoutProfit": "0",
"wcTotalMaterialFixedPrice": "0",
"materialProfitPercentAfterDiscount": "0"
"DspMatTax": "$0.00",
"GrandTotal": "1344.08",
"DiscountMat": "0",
"DscntLbrPct": "",
"DscntMatPct": "",
"DspLaborTax": "$0.00",
"MatSubtotal": "0",
"DspMatProfit": "$0.00",
"TaxRateLabor": "0",
"DiscountLabor": "0",
"DspGrandTotal": "$1,344.08",
"LaborSubtotal": "1344.08",
"DspLaborProfit": "$0.00",
"DspMatDiscount": "$0.00",
"DspMatSubtotal": "$0.00",
"OverheadMarkup": "0",
"UseDscntLbrPct": "",
"UseDscntMatPct": "",
"DspLaborDiscount": "$0.00",
"DspLaborOverhead": "$0.00",
"DspLaborSubtotal": "$1,344.08",
"DspTotalRawLabor": "$1,344.08",
"RemainingBalance": "1344.08",
"TaxRateMaterials": "0",
"ProfitMarkupLabor": "0",
"DspTotalLaborHours": "9h 4m",
"DspRemainingBalance": "$1,344.08",
"DspTotalGrossProfit": "$0.00",
"DspTotalRawMaterial": "$0.00",
"DspEffLaborHourlyRate": "$148.19",
"ProfitMarkupMaterials": "0.2",
"DspTotalGrossProfitPct": "0.0",
"TaxRateMaterialsToCust": "0",
"DspMatProfitPctAftDscnt": "0.0",
"DspLaborProfitPctAftDscnt": "0.0",
"DspCombinedLaborAndMatProfit": "$0.00",
"DspCombinedLaborAndMatDiscount": "$0.00"
"ExtAppCompanyId": ""
Trusted by companies of all sizes

This workflow connects the following 2 apps

PEP Cloud
PEP Cloud is a sales, estimating, and business management tool for everyone, but especially painting contractors.

ServiceTitan is a popular field service management (FSM) solution used by over 4,400 service businesses and over 100,000 contractors.